
Posts Tagged ‘Rules’


It’s Time For Change – View from a US Larp

When I mention LARPing to someone, the response I usually get is “Excuse you”. Excuse me? No, excuse you good sir for I feel bad that you have not been able to experience the eye opening experience you could have LARPing. Most people when they hear about LARPing they instantly become condescending and judgmental. Funny thing is… I’m not getting the looks like I did five years ago.

LARP stands for Live Action Role Play. LARPing began in the 1970s and although no one can agree to where this term was coined or who exactly thought it up we do know that the first game recorded began in 1977 in Washington DC in the United States. Players who partake in a LARP call themselves LARPers. Eh, so what? I can easily find that on the LARPing wiki right? But read it again… LARPing has been around for 30+ years. This ‘idea’ has been around for a long period of time and this ‘idea’ has not been played around…

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Alright. I’ve seen this MULTIPLE times and I think it’s time to speak out. Being an active and attractive LARPer myself, I’ve also been on the receiving end of these crazy and sometimes cruel misunderstandings.

What the heck am I talking about? You’re an attractive LARPer (either male or female, yes I’m including you guys too!) you’ve attended a LARP long enough to make a name for yourself and get the attention of every other LARPer in the game. You’re on top of the world! The attention is intoxicating and you can’t get enough of it. Until you catch wind of the rumors… about you.

Why is it when you’re getting the right kind of attention people need to say the wrong kind of thing? You know what I mean…

“She’s sleeping with him. AND him. AND him.”

“He’s a player and will sleep with anything that moves.”

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As a girl LARPer, I’ve received MANY different tips, hints, and straight out rules from guys whether I ask for it or not. It’s just natural for someone who knows something very well to want to ’show off’ to the new people, including to the damsel in distress.

Some of these words of wisdom made me roll my eyes or actually stand up and pay attention. You’re probably thinking ‘how hard is it to just pick a name, class and race and just roll with it?’ Not hard at all actually… but you won’t truly enjoy yourself, and when it comes time to actually role-play your character you don’t want to be stumbling around for history to talk about.

Just ask the LARPers that throw their entire self into creating this second personality, they love it! It always goes back to that saying my mother use to tell me; you get what you put into it.
Your first step in really putting your heart into creating your character is you! Sit down in a quiet, dark and cool room. Close your eyes and just begin to let your mind wander. If your mind begins to wander to the chores you have to do, the bills you have to pay, or going to work tomorrow quickly pull your mind back and imagine yourself walking through a small medieval town. Look at each of the…

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We're all dressed the same but we're all different characters!

We're all dressed the same but we're all different characters!

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LARPing in the Fall

LARPing in the Fall

We’ve covered cold weather LARPing and hot weather LARPing and what we suggest wearing. But with the seasons slowly changing from hot to cold what is a LARPer to do?

Fall is one of the best times to LARP. Personally I would say it IS the best time to LARP. Perfect temperature; warmer during the day and cooler at night. Less bugs. Nice breezes. Beautiful scenery. What more could you ask for? A nice cup of warm cider if you’d ask me. But anyway, I’m straying from the point. What to wear to warm up your outfit but not to make it too hot?

Layers here are your friend. Light layers during the day with heavier layers for night. Some layers I’ve come to appreciate when LARPing would be: Under Armor, they have so many different styles and weights now it’s perfect for those fall days. Cloaks, another thing that comes in all different weights and styles. I have capes to cover my shoulders and full blown head to toe woolen Guardian cloaks that you can lose yourself in. Long Johns, these are nice if you can’t afford the much pricier Under Armor. Having some sort of head covering (hat, ear muffs, some sort of hood, etc.) on hand never hurts along with gloves and scarf. Warm socks are a plus.

Now, you don’t want to go ALL out. This is fall and not yet winter. You’ll have days where you can wear your summer outfits and be perfectly fine. I would say pack more then you think you’re going to need, rather be safe then sorry. Especially for night. When the sun goes down and you’re laying still your temperature is going to drop quickly and you’ll need the extra layers to contain heat.

So pack up those layers and enjoy yourself! This really is the best time to get out there and experience the world of LARPing!

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The Feminine Side of LARPing

Part 5b, Clicking with the Cliques.

This blog is in response to my earlier blog: Me, Myself and Cliques; Can you handle the clique?

I explained how to spot cliques and my experiences with them. Now it’s time to deal with them. There are mutiple ways of dealing with cliques; you can decide to ignore them, try to become included with them OR leave the game in search of greener pastures. There ARE games out there that do not have cliques and the player base is warm and welcoming. Don’t settle for something you’re not enjoying when these days some areas have multiple LARPs running and some might even be held at the same camp you’re at.

Some tips on telling from the LARP’s website if they have cliques so you can avoid them from the start:

  • Check the Forums and read the new players section, are only staff members welcoming the new players? And is there only one staff memeber saying hello days later? Or are players also welcoming the newbies?
  • Look for established groups of players that have attended for years and seem cold and unwelcoming to low level players. You can usually spot these on the Forums as well. Check if they have their own ‘rooms’ or a special saying in their signatures.
  • Read the highlights and lowlights of the events (on again on the Forums) and see what other players are saying.

If you miss the warning signs, are already invested in a game with cliques, or you ignore the signs and still attend there are some things you can do for damage control. If you ignore them keep in mind that this being a social game with you ignore certain power groups may effect your game play. Some groups have been with the game since the start and will have plot written for them because the staff are trying to keep them coming, if you’re ignoring them you’ll miss out on plot and if you’re missing plot what fun is that? If the staff memebers ARE catering to the older players this is another red flag, not only pertaining to cliques but pertaining to the entire game.

If you make the decision to join a clique, then go for it! Cliques are not ALWAYS bad things. Sometimes they can be the exact thing you need to get you involved with the game. But being a girl you have brownie points. You’ll have a better chance at joining a clique… and if you’re a supporting class (healer (HUGE bonus), dpser, gatherer, etc.) that will increase your chances even more. As for the guys, you’ll have a better chance at creating your own group. But then you’re just helping cliques become created. Just be aware that if you do make it into an established clique there will be a hierarchy already in place and you won’t be the boss. Atleast not at first ;).

As for moving on… you can do it. It’s going to be painful since you’ve most likely made friends, put some effort into a players and/or costume, and you’ve already overcome the ‘new to the game awkward phase’. But you’ve gained experience and that is something that will benefit you for the rest of your life. Plus those friends you made might be unhappy too so they should follow you and your character? If you tweak it just so you can most likely use the same character at a new game. So don’t be afraid to hop around LARP to LARP until you find something that you feel comfortable in. There is not a better feeling then really being involved with a LARP.


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One minute the sun is so hot that my flip-flops are threatening to melt onto the sidewalk… while 10 minutes later I’m pulling out my winter coat. Don’t we all love spring?

While you’re trying to regulate your temperature, don’t forget about your weapon’s temperature whether it’s latex or boffer. Extreme cold can literally freeze a weapon, making it hard and crack. Hitting someone with a frozen weapon increases the chances of you doing physical harm since the foam no longer pads the weapon and like anything frozen and being smashed against something… it will break, shatter and crack all over the place. There are the same dangers with the heat. Heat begins to melt and warp the weapon. Duct tape slides off a weapon like butter. Having it sit around (in your trunk or even worse, in your back window) will practically become playdo. My last latex sword, which I left in my car during a cold night but the day it became excruciating,  was laying on top of a racquet. Later that day when I picked it up the latex had melted, oozing through the racquet’s net. I was devastated.

People usually put alot of time, effort and money into a weapon and knowing how to properly take care of it will extend the life of any weapon.

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The sparrows are singing, the trees are blossoming and the Internet search engine is exploding with LARP inquiries.

LARP fever is spreading!!!

There is no better time of the year to start thinking about LARPing. You don’t have to worry about freezing temperatures or scorching temperatures. Spring time provides those sunny days where the shade is still cool and the nights still breezy and fresh. You’re able to wear your costume to it’s full potential, no more hoodies and sweat pants and yet it’s not unbearable to wear a corset or chain mail. Before you decide on a LARP or head off to that next event in May, there are a few things you should consider.

If you’re a new player interested in experiencing LARPing you want to think things through before joining up with a LARP. I would hate for you to just go in without thinking about it, creating a character, putting money into that character, falling in love with the character… and hating the game. I’ve seen it happen SO many times. And you know what most people end up doing? It’s usually one of three things. 1) They suffer through the game in hopes that things will change just so they can continue to play their character. 2) Quickly leave the game, head to another and realize they cannot fully play that character since rules are different or it feels uncomfortable in a new setting. Or 3) a small part of them is jaded toward LARPing and they either continue to LARP at a different LARP with a different character (while still thinking about the old character) or straight out quit LARPing.

A player never quite realizes (unless you’ve been there) how much of them goes into a character. I know how that sounds. You’re thinking that it’s silly and creating a character is as throw awayable as the sheet of paper it is written on… wrong. You become attached and really put a piece of yourself into it. You become passionate as the character progresses and even if you do not start with a history, you think something up and run with it. You are determined to see you character reach his or her goals and when that character’s life is cut short, whether by in game death or by leaving the game, a small part of you dies along with it.

What to do to prevent this? It’s actually easier then most people think. Really and I mean really read into the LARP. Get to know it by reading all of the content provided for you and by activly participating in the Forums. Take notice in how kind the staff members are and how welcomingthe players are, both the veterans and newbies. Find out how long the game has been running. A long standing game means it has clout and a strong following with an interesting storyline, but it’s also long standing. What do I mean by this? Ask yourself if you would enjoy entering a game at level 1 when some of the other players are level 56, would you enjoy it? Especially if you’re new to LARPing? Would you be able to overlook that fact? Alot of games try to engross the new players while still entertaining the old players, not only is this rare but it’s even rarer that it is pulled off well. Then there are the new LARPs that are either starting this summer or have been around for a year. You are able to start fresh along with the rest of the player base, no one will look at you funny if you mess up some rules since everyone is still learning them, and you’ll really get a chance to interact with plot since it’s brand spanking new. There is also a chance that the game will flop or the staff are inexperienced in running a game so it can just be plain bad.

So when choosing a game, whether it be old or new, be sure to do your homework about it. It wouldn’t hurt to ask around as I’m sure you wouldn’t just go buy a new car without reading up on it or test driving.

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Zombie Jesus Day. Easter to all you Rabbit enthusiasts. We here at The blog love our zombies something fierce. Well, really we like shooting them with shotguns. But today, we set aside our religious differences and come together with our family and friends and give appreciation to the One who rose on the 3rd day. And chased his family and friends biting them and turning them. So saith the book of Francis. And every one spoke “I Hate Elevators.” Though Scripture is great, My family and I enjoyed a great meal of Micro-wave origin, and rolls. I now sit fat and happy, waiting for the biting One to visit, with my good friends. Night all, Sleep close to your weaponry.

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Seventh Kingdom IGE

Myself and six other friends have been working tirelessly on a LARP we are planning on unveiling in June. If you could please take a moment and look over the website and let me know what you think I’d really appreciate it.

And if you’re in the New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, etc. area we would love to see you there in June!

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(I apologize for the wall of text, but it really is a good read.)

So just as I was starting to think that no one really read this blog besides my cat and grandmother when I recieved an e-mail through my Myspace. It was from a fellow girl LARPer asking for some good ol’ advice. I realized how much our conversation would help other girls out there (or really ANY new LARPer for that matter) and asked permission to post our conversation, she agreed so without futher ado here it is:


Hi Tina,

I’ve been reading the blog you contribute to (which is great, by the way) and was wondering if you could help me out with a chick-LARPing dilemma I’m facing. My boyfriend of 3months has been LARPing since he was 11 (9 years!) and I’ve only been to one event with him, but I totally love it. I’m a WoW player and generic female gamer, but the whole live-action thing is really overwhelming, particularly because he’s so experienced and I have no idea what I’m doing. Basically the question is, do you have any advice on how to adjust from gaming to LARPing, especially considering that my bf’s character is far more experienced than mine and therefore there’s not too much for us to do together at events? The whole ‘pecking order’ thing among the other girls is overwhelming too… Really I’m just looking for any kind of advice from a fellow-female-larper who knows what’s up.



Hey there!

I want to commend you and your courage for trying out something so different that many people wouldn’t even consider thinking about. I also want to commend you for taking the time asking for advice since asking for advice really is the first step everyone should take when they begin LARPing. I’m glad you came to me for advice since I’m a female LARPer for the past six years and I’ve actually met my current boyfriend at a LARP. The funny thing is that my character at the time was more ‘powerful’ then his in the sense that I was going to the game longer. So now I can help you out with each of your questions.

My first piece of advice would be go in with a blank canvas. Luckily you have some experience with the whole fantasy/RPG feel because of WoW (I also play myself) but at the same time so many LARPers almost ruin their experience because they are thinking too much in WoW terms. Think of it as a whole new adventure. Even if you think you understand something because it sounds like WoW, you’re better off asking about it. Not only will you make new friends asking about it but you’ll become more immersed with the games rules. It’s like when I sold lotions and perfumes at Bath and Body Works… the better I knew the product the easier and more enjoyable it was to sell it. The better you come at understanding every aspect of the game the more comfortable you’ll feel playing it. Don’t rely on your boyfriend to fill you in, take charge and ask around. LARPers love to help new people! It gives us a chance to show off our superior knowledge of nonsense.

Once you go into the game with a clear mind and a motivation to ask other people for help you are taking a step in the right direction. Don’t become attached to your boyfriend’s hip, he has just opened a whole new world for you to explore! Not to mention when some of the more advanced players start to become involved, the newbies fall to the way side and are forgotten. This is a perfect opportunity to meet the staff and other low level characters. LARPing is a social event no matter which way you look at it. Networking with the other players, both male and female, will help you with the ‘pecking order’ that takes place also. They feel you out and you get to feel them out. You may surprise yourself and meet some new best friends, God knows I have.

Now that you are moving around and making new friends with the lower leveled characters you’re probably thinking that you wanted to spend this weekend with your boyfriend. And I understand completely, trust me. But this is the time when you start asking yourself the serious questions… do you want to enjoy the game laid out before you? Or do you want to feel completely lost all weekend as you tag along with your boyfriend? Do you even really enjoy tagging along with your boyfriend? Do you have the courage to meet new people? Everyone answers these questions differently but I’ll tell you what I’ve done and the outcomes. When I ventured off without my boyfriend and ‘established’ myself in the town, it changed everything. I was able to enjoy the game ten fold, I was able to meet new friends, I was able to actually play my character and in turn play the game. My boyfriend saw how well I was doing and I think it made us both comfortable that I was taking care of myself. He didn’t have to baby-sit me anymore and he was proud at how I was handling myself with this new geeky adventure. Then there were times that we both missed each other and just wanted to spend all weekend with each other. That is fine too and we did. But then again, this was after we’ve both established our own niches in the LARP. You can sleep together and spend time together but don’t be afraid to go on an adventure with some new people while he is doing high level stuff. One day you’ll be evenly matched and can crush together on the battlefield. It never fails that the game pulls couples in different directions just because our characters have different outlooks. You don’t want to play the demon hunting warrior and he doesn’t want to play the daisy picking healer.

Congratulations! You’re making new friends, starting to ‘own’ the game, and strengthening your relationship with your boyfriend by showing your independence, and *ding!* you just leveled! You are finally starting to see the invisible lines that are the LARPs hierarchy. You see the girl that all the other girls both love and hate and the guys swarming around her, either flirting or trying to be her best friend. You see the guy that all the guys respect and look to for advice and the girls are trying to be his number one girl. Those are the alphas… every LARP has it and it takes a practiced eye to see it. But sometimes it’s almost enjoyable to sit back and try to figure it all out. You then have the guy and girl that are everyone’s friends, they are comfortable with themselves and their positions, and those are the betas. The rest fall into other categories and when you become more experienced with it you’ll start to see what I mean. The bitch, the pervert, the stalker, the back stabbing friend, the honest one, the kind one, etc. If I were to see you come to my game with a boyfriend that would alter things. I would look at how pretty you are and how you’re dressed. (Just being honest here.) I’d then look at how much confidence you have in yourself. It’s a common misconception that if you go to a game with a significant other that you are excluded from the hierarchy battle. Wrong. If anything that makes the guys want you more and the girls ‘fear’ you more. Just take things slowly and I also tell my friends… never play the game until you understand the rules. You want to be confident (straying away from your boyfriend to let your character grow shows how confident you are both in your relationship and in learning the game), and yet you want to be nice. You never stoop to a low level and you carry yourself almost like royalty. You never ever become the bitch though. Keep the guys interested and yet become best friends with all of the girls. Don’t let anyone push you around. It really comes down to an almost animalistic behavior. You are new so you are a new threat to the current hierarchy. But now that you have an inside look that will help in making you more comfortable. You can either decide to try and attain Alpha status or become comfortable in whatever status is ‘gifted’ to you. And you can decide to completely ignore the game and look at all the crazy people trying to be big and tough. Although, if the hierarchy game is ignored most times you cannot gain access to those ‘popular’ circles of players which usually end up doing the most interesting things.

So what the heck have I tried to get across with this? Be comfortable with yourself and get ready to laugh at yourself often. It’s awkward, uncomfortable and humiliating to act as another character if you’re not used to it. Once you clear that hurdle you’ll be excited and exhilarated to be able to play a whole new enigma. You can be a bad ass vampire hunter or the ever curious priest that refuses to harm a single thing. You can really get into the character and not be looked at funny. Actually the more you get into your character the more people look at you with respect. It’s like acting. People don’t love Angelina Jolie because she’s a bad actress. No, she really gets into her roles and everyone loves it! They respect her and want to be just like her.

You can do it! I hope I haven’t overwhelmed you with all of this, but as I mentioned above, us LARPers love to help out new players! We know how much fun our hobby is and we want to share with everyone that will listen. If you have another other questions, please feel free to e-mail me again. And I wish you the best of luck with your LARPing adventures!



Hi again Tina!

Thank you SO much for all of the advice! Definitely feel free to put this on the blog, there’s a lot of great stuff in here and everyone should see it. I honestly think this well help out a lot with my next event in two weeks; I’ll let you know!

Thanks again, you’ve totally eased a lot of my concerns and now it all feels really do-able.


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